Synthesizing the Latest on Covid-19 Science on Vaccines, Variants, Natural Immunity and Essential Nutrients for Immune Enhancement

Regardless of where you stand on the vaccine debate, my goal is to provide reliable, fact-based information on current vaccine trends and to share the good news about the powerful role herbal medicine, nutrition, and diet play in building a healthy immune system. There is undoubtedly a great deal of conflicting misinformation circulating in the public amidst a high degree of vaccine skepticism. On a positive note, the latest scientific consensus is now confirming a reduced rate of severe illness and death from COVID-19, including the Delta variant, in vaccinated individuals, especially for high-risk populations, including the elderly and those with underlying conditions. A recent meta-analysis on Vitamin D is also garnering attention on the critical importance of this nutrient. However, with vaccine effectiveness waning[1],[2] amidst rising numbers of breakthrough infections, the continued transmissibility of infection despite vaccination[3], and new variants of concern continuing to emerge[4], the challenge of relying exclusively on immunizations to move past the pandemic underscores the importance of being ever more vigilant in optimizing our health.

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The Covaxin Vaccine, a Medscape Review of Ivermectin, and Herbal Medicine Bias

Several people have recently asked me about the Covaxin vaccine. Before I share my opinion and review of the research, I want to emphasize the utmost faith I have in botanical and nutritional medicine as the foundation for health and for supporting our innate capacity to live in harmony with our ever-evolving environment. This includes the viruses and other microbes we come into contact with.

In my opinion, the most important aspect of maintaining health is to support our innate immune function. Vaccines can potentially provide additional support, but we should not rely solely on vaccines for protection.

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Two New COVID-19 Vaccines on the Horizon – They’re Different and Appear to be Safer

The mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna have been heavily promoted for ending the Covid-19 pandemic. With claims that they are ‘extraordinary’ and ‘revolutionary,’ these vaccines have occupied center stage for more than a year.

The CDC is not accounting for COVID-19 risk factors or natural immunity. It is hard to believe that the risk benefit balance favors a 15-year-old young man who has recovered from COVID-19, and who has detectable antibodies, getting two doses of an mRNA vaccine. Such an individual is accepting a non-negligible risk of myocarditis, with limited upside in terms of decreased risk of severe infection.[1]

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Outdoors vs. Indoors: Where is it Safe and Where Should you Avoid Gathering?

I have always been a proponent of spending time outdoors in the fresh air, including the practice of forest bathing therapy for physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Unfortunately, most people spend almost 90% of their time in indoor environments,[1] much to the detriment of their health.

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Managing the Risk of Blood Clots and other Possible Side Effects of the Covid-19 Vaccines

Nature is a totally efficient, self-regenerating system. If we discover the laws that govern this system and live synergistically within them, sustainability will follow and humankind will be a success. Synergy means behavior of whole systems unpredicted by the behavior of their parts.”
― Buckminster Fuller

Although there’s a current flurry of concern about the possible link between blood clots and the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, the reality is that there is a risk of potentially dangerous blood clots and/or platelet disorders with all of the vaccines that are being used for Covid-19.

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Understanding COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines and the Risk of Autoimmune Diseases

By Donald Yance

Vaccines against COVID-19 hold out the promise of a return to normal, pre-pandemic life. But with the race to create and distribute the vaccines, we need to consider that the mRNA vaccines, which consist of a new and revolutionary technology, have not been previously tested widely on humans.

Most of the vaccines that have been developed for COVID and other candidates in the portfolio of the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility (COVAX) are based on next-generation technologies that can be developed more quickly than previous conventional vaccines.[1] The speedy development and distribution of the COVID vaccines is helping to stem the pandemic. But it’s important to recognize that all vaccines come with the risk of side effects, and there is much we have to learn about COVID vaccines and potential side effects.

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