If You Haven’t Yet Gotten A Flu Shot—Don’t!

Flu and cold

Just this past week, the CDC stated that the flu has officially reached epidemic proportions. If you follow the recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you’ve probably already gotten your flu shot for this year.  You might even be congratulating yourself for being proactive in defending yourself from what’s being called “the worst flu outbreak in the past decade.”

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The Practice of Poustinia: Slowing Down and Finding God In Daily Life


For many people, the passion for speed has become an addiction. Our culture and society encourage this addiction; we emphasize doing instead of being, multitasking is considered a desirable skill, and we are generally more focused on quantity instead of quality in all aspects of our lives. Every modern convenience, from cell phones and computers to instant meals and microwave ovens, feeds our addiction to speed and encourages the illusion that we can do more in less time. Because our bodies are so efficient at adapting, we are often not aware of the negative impact that this fast pace of life is having on our being, which is in essence our spiritual nature.

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The Many Benefits of Herbal Adaptogens

“Feel better! Have more energy! Live longer!” Sounds like a late night infomercial, or the claims made for patent medicines in the late 1800’s, doesn’t it?

But in truth, there is a class of herbs that will increase your energy, help to prevent disease, and even likely extend your lifespan. These herbs are called “adaptogens”, and I recommend them to everyone for increasing vitality and well-being.

Adaptogens got their name from their unique ability to buffer the effects of stress—they actually help the body adapt more readily to the demands of life. Everyone experiences stress, whether it’s everyday worries about work, money, and relationships; the physical demands of athletic competition; or the emotional and physical stressors of chronic illness.

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Schi-Zam™: A Natural Energy Beverage

Energy enhancing beverages are everywhere these days, but most are designed merely to provide an intense, temporary jolt of energy. Unfortunately, this false energy leaves you depleted when the “high” wears off.

Most commercial energy drinks depend upon large amounts of caffeine (two to three times the amount found in a cup of coffee), an excessive amount of sugar (from six to sixteen teaspoons in one serving), and long list of other questionable ingredients.

Energy drinks are actually a great idea that can benefit almost everyone needing an infusion of energy, including athletes and people suffering from chronic illness or undergoing chemotherapy. But instead of drinking a highly sweetened, caffeinated, chemical concoction, try Schi-Zam™, my natural energy drink.

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