Embracing the Cycle of Life, Death, and Renewal: Exploring the Power of Love

I feel blessed to have had a mystical experience years ago, including a glimpse into the mystery of resurrection and life after death. While not everyone has experienced such extraordinary events as parting seas or walking on water, we’ve all encountered amazing miracles in our lives. Often, we keep these experiences to ourselves, fearing discomfort or rejection from others. Consequently, I’ve chosen to share my deepest experiences and thoughts only with a select few.

As we navigate this Easter/Passover and Spring season—a time of renewal, rebirth, and transformation—I’m compelled to share some reflections. We are each uniquely authentic yet intimately and mysteriously connected as one.

We are both our authentic one-and-only selves, yet we are all intimately and mysteriously connected as one.

It is only right for me to feel this way about you, because of I have you all in my heart.” St. Paul Ph 1:7

Our superficial reflections only scratch the surface of who we are. We must delve deeper, beyond physical attributes like complexion, muscle tone, or religion, and discover our “Divine self” first and foremost.

Now we see in the mirror in distinct way, but then we shall see face to face.” 1st Corinthians 13:12.

I often hear it stated that we only use 5% of our brains; what do you say when it comes to our souls? We all put limits on how far we are willing to go when it comes to love. We take for granted that this adult world is the only possible existence and that we often pretend to be someone we aren’t. There are many mansions in heaven. ‘If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?’ (John 14:2)

When we contemplate leaving this world behind, what thoughts come to mind? It’s disheartening to realize that the human heart often seeks only selfish pleasures, which ultimately fail to bring true joy. Many of us believe that our relationships and connections define our lives more than material possessions. However, our society is increasingly shifting towards digital interactions, distancing us from meaningful human connections and immersing us in a world dominated by technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Love is as strong as death” Song of Songs 8:6

A doctor once shared with me his experience from medical school, where he was taught to avoid getting too emotionally involved with patients to shield himself from the pain of potential loss. If one views death as a failure, something fatal and final, this approach may seem sensible. However, I believe differently. To me, death is not an end but a transition and, even more so, a transformation. While we must strive to support life as we understand it, we must also learn to love beyond death’s veil. If we live our lives filled with love until our final moments, we transcend the confines of mortality. Death should not be seen as a measure of love or a person’s worth.

Some will not allow themselves to love anyone because it can be so painful when the one we love is taken by death. They feel better to keep love at a distance and bear suffering and grief. But death has met no match in love, as the beautiful love story and song of songs reveals.

Are we so involved with existing in this world that we prefer to ignore what lies ahead? Then, indeed, we live as though this world is preferable to the next. Could we be spiritual cowards, frightened by the journey we will all take? Then we not only have little faith, but we have not a great deal of love either, since “perfect love cast out all fear.” (1 John 4:18)

If I should prophecy and know all mysteries and have not love, it profits me nothing.” 1st Corinthians 13:2

Love is described as a gift from God, a profound grace that invites us and challenges us to respond with all our capabilities. It’s akin to the air we breathe—essential for life’s ease.

The gate to heaven, it seems, opens solely with the key to love. When Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment, he emphasized the paramount importance of love: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.” Amidst various significant actions like belief, sacrifice, prayer, fasting, or obedience, Jesus highlighted love, underscoring its central role in unlocking the mysteries of heaven.

Considering that we’re made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26) and that God epitomizes love, one must ponder what this image truly entails. It’s crucial to distinguish spiritual love, which encompasses compassion, tenderness, concern for others above oneself (termed Agape love), service, goodness, gentleness, forgiveness, and understanding.

Greater love has no man, than this, that they lay down their life for a friend.” John 15:13

I encourage everyone to search for love more deeply during this holy season. Let’s follow St. Francis’s wisdom and see life as one big family—like Brother Sun, Sister Moon, and even Sister Death, which is just another aspect of Life.

“Be praised through all those who forgive,
The patient, kind, and brave,
Enduring suffering, trial, and pain, like you.
Be praised, my Lord, through Sister Death,
Who will embrace all life,
And carry us up to the arms of you….” St. Francis of Assisi

As Mathew Fox states, we need to “tap into that energy, we become alive again, and we give birth. From the creativity that we release is born the prophetic vision and work that we all aspire to realize as our gift to the world. We want to serve in whatever capacity we can. Getting in touch with the mystic inside is the beginning of our deep service….”[i] 

The Spirit and the Bride say, Come! And let him who hears say, Come! Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.” Revelation 22:17

May you be blessed, and may you awaken to a life forward in health and love.

[i] Matthew Fox, introduction to Christian Mystics: 365 Readings and Meditations (Novato, CA: New World Library, 2011), 3, 5. 

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5 Replies to “Embracing the Cycle of Life, Death, and Renewal: Exploring the Power of Love”

  1. Very nice Brother Donnie …

    For me, you said it well when you wrote … “We want to serve in whatever capacity we can. Getting in touch with the mystic inside is the beginning of our deep service.”

  2. You have written so beautifully about the most important things. To those who don’t have faith death is scary. “Everyone wants to get to heaven but no one wants to die to get there. “. I read that once but I don’t know who said it. I have lots of faith in a Mighty God and so look forward to meeting up with Him some day. To me I don’t want quantity of life but quality. Thank you Donnie. You are a beautiful soul for sure. Happy Easter Season! Peace be with you.

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