Ivermectin and COVID-19 – Revision

Please refer to the original post here:
(Ivermectin as a Prophylactic and Treatment for COVID-19)

Because of flawed information flowing in on the efficacy or inefficiency of ivermectin, I have added some further research to this blog. Please refer to the original blog here for more details:

BBC, Science Wire, and several other media outlets discrediting ivermectin by stating “ALL” the research is flawed. While interesting, they use this SINGLE study from June 2021[i] to back the point that ivermectin does not work. The conclusion of this study states “Compared with the standard of care or placebo, IVM did not reduce all-cause mortality, LOS, or viral clearance in RCTs in patients with mostly mild COVID-19. IVM did not have an effect on AEs or SAEs and is not a viable option to treat patients with COVID-19.” With my further research into their own study, it is clear that it is their own referenced study that is flawed. Three of the papers that hadn’t yet been published when they carried out their study do not support what they claim, and in fact, they state the opposite.

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