Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in Medicine, Mood and Neuropsychiatry

The botanical Withania somnifera is widely known as “Ashwagandha,” a Sanskrit name deriving from its use in traditional medicine in India. Withania somnifera (WS) enjoys a formidable reputation in Ayurvedic medicine as a Rasayana herb, i.e., one that can rejuvenate the body and promote the health of all tissues. Since ancient times, it has traditionally been used to strengthen the nervous system. [1] It is classified as a tonic-adaptogen and is often called the “Indian Ginseng,” although not botanically related. The paradoxical meaning of the names of ashwagandha gives away its’ adaptogenic qualities. The common name, “ashwagandha,” means “strong as a horse,” while the botanical name, “somnifera,” means restful sleep.[2]

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Plant Medicine Can be a Powerful Ally for Cancer Patients

Improving Cell Metabolism with Botanical Compounds

Healthy cell metabolism or normal cellular metabolism is when the chemical reactions that occur in living cells are working properly. Our bodies are made up of over 37 trillion human cells: 37,200,000,000,000. For our bodies to work right, our cells must engage in healthy cell metabolism. Plant medicine can be a powerful ally for cancer patients.

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Vaccines No Match for Omicron and a Look at COVID-19 in Africa

Vaccines No Match for Omicron and a Look at COVID-19 in Africa

We’ve been living with COVID-19 now for more than two years, and questions continue to

The Observer view on the Omicron variant | Observer editorial | The Guardian

arise about the best approach for prevention and treatment. I have never been asked about anything as much as the COVID-19 vaccines and never have I seen so much doubt and confusion among so many people. The emergence of the Omicron variant has made the issue more confusing and raises more questions about the efficacy of vaccines against COVID-19. Interpreting the reality of the effectiveness of these vaccines is complicated, especially when some of the new data is not robust and is often murky. Patients and doctors looking to the CDC for guidance in decision-making receive low-quality or outdated information. All too often, straightforward relative data – such as the benefits of normalizing vitamin D and zinc levels – is ignored. Please see my earlier blogs on Zinc and Vitamin D for more information hereZinc the Most Important Nutrient for Immunity” and “There’s No Substitute for Sunlight: The Essential Influence of Nature’s Sunshine Vitamin on Health

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Herbs and Spices as a Path to Health and Wellbeing

In the Kitchen with Donnie

As a passionate home chef, I can’t imagine cooking without a full array of herbs and spices. And as an herbalist, I can’t imagine creating a health protocol without the use of herbs and spices. Fortunately, culinary and medicinal herbs are often one and the same. As Hippocrates said: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

As an herbalist, nutritionist, jazz musician, and chef, I find that food preparation and cooking is similar to combining herbs for medicine or composing music. Home cooking is a creative endeavor, and the reward is a delicious and healthy meal that can be savored with family and friends.

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Current Research on Herbs and Nutrients Holds Promise Against COVID-19

I’ve grown frustrated and concerned over the degree to which the news surrounding COVID-19 focuses on fear and the promise of a ‘super hero’ vaccine that will eventually save us.

Every week, I come across research that supports the use of herbal and nutritional compounds, diet, and lifestyle that have been shown to be of potential benefit in bolstering our immune defense against the virus. It’s unfortunate that these studies are not being more widely reported and implemented in our approach to this disease.

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Synergistic Effects of Herb Extracts and How They Might Assist in Cancer Drug Therapies

In exciting new research, clinical studies for the first time are reporting convincing evidence of the value and credibility of herbal therapeutics in cancer treatments. As an herbalist, botanical medicine has been an essential part of my toolbox for decades as a useful complement to conventional medicine in oncology as well as other chronic diseases, and for general health optimization.

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