Embracing the Cycle of Life, Death, and Renewal: Exploring the Power of Love

I feel blessed to have had a mystical experience years ago, including a glimpse into the mystery of resurrection and life after death. While not everyone has experienced such extraordinary events as parting seas or walking on water, we’ve all encountered amazing miracles in our lives. Often, we keep these experiences to ourselves, fearing discomfort …

Martin Luther King: Exploring Space, the Soul, and Our Divine Purpose – A Timeless Perspective

In this exploration of the life and teachings of Martin Luther King Jr., (MLK) we delve into his profound insights on humanity’s place in the universe, our spiritual journey, and how we can find a sense of divine purpose. Drawing from his speeches and writings, we uncover the lesser-known aspects of Dr. King’s wisdom that transcend …

What Does this Time of Year Mean to You?

Hannukkah, Christmas, and Winter Solstice share the theme of bringing light into darkness. However, before illuminating the external world, we must first embody that light within ourselves, even though it may sometimes be concealed. I firmly believe that all humans have the capacity to be spiritual [1], [2], [3], accessing an inner “flame” that radiates …

Spiritual Musings on the Power of the Cosmic Force: My Latest Music Release (Cosmic Force)

Music has always been a profound way for me to express my innermost feelings and my connection with the Divine. During these times of profound connection, I find myself inspired to create music, channeling my spiritual experiences into artistic expression. These past few years, I have channeled that expression into two albums of original compositions, …

Harmony of Saints and Sounds: Assisi, Coltrane, and the Cosmic Force

St. Francis of Assisi, born in 1182 as Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone, hailed from a wealthy family. Despite his early life of privilege, he eventually realized the emptiness of material wealth and chose a life of simplicity and poverty to fully embrace his Divine calling. The Potential for Divine Fulfillment We all have the …

Do You Tend to Jump to Conclusions? Take A Closer Look at the Facts and Trust Your Inner Wisdom

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could avoid making snap judgments, both in our everyday lives and in the field of medicine? In our daily lives, think about when a friend doesn’t return a phone call, and we quickly assume they might be upset with us for something we said or did. In medicine, it …